Friday 24 September 2021


A married upper six student has been married twice and is about to separate with his second wife.

He has been denying  his second  wife conjugal rights for the past seven months because she is disturbing his studies.

He also accuses her of having  a spiritual husband.

Michael Dzora, 20, told H-Metro on Wednesday that both women eloped to him and he broke  up with the first andthe decision to deny his second wife Charmaine Dzapata (18) conjugal rights was a protest against marrying her.

“To be honest with you, one of Charmaine’s sisters forced her to elope so as to gain a good living,” said Michael.

“Akandinyepera kuti anepamuviri senzira yekugara neni semudzimai wangu. Her sister fooled her to make that decision but I retaliated by denying her sex.

“This woman admired my life since I met her when I was behind my Toyota Wish vehicle and she saw herself as my wife.

“Pandakazomubvunza nezvepamuviri akazonditi dai ndakamirira kuita mimba waizotorwa nevamwe vasikana.

“I am the only student who drives a car to that school and that alone is giving me pressure and affecting my concentration during lessons.

Michael sensationally claimed that he has been seeing a spiritual husband warning him over taking Charmaine.

“At one time I saw, in a vision, another man claiming to be husband to my wife when I was about to enjoy my conjugal rights,” said Michael.

“I informed my mother about seeing a spiritual man disturbing me from having time with Charmaine,” said Miekle.

“At one time my body became weak while I was romancing my wife and I ended up ordering her to go and retire to bed with my mother.

“My mother was also affected and we agreed to take her back to her parents. Takamudzosera tikati imbodzokera unobatsirwa kumusha kwako akadzokera.

“Her sister returned her within some days claiming that they had consulted a faith healer for help.

“I had sexual intercourse with her twice upon her return but I later decided not to continue having sex with her until now.

“Ndakazotenga jira ndikaendesa netsvakirai kuno last week saka iyezvino handichadi kusangana naye pabonde.

“People around us are not happy to see me driving my car to school hence the attacks,” said Michael.

Michael’s mother Tracy Dzora, 61, told H-Metro that Michael’s marriage to Charmaine has been under attack from spiritual forces.

“The marriage has been under attack and that forced us to take the wife back to her parents. 

“Michael was given a vehicle by his father before he passed on and that car is the one being eyed by many people.

“He drives the car to and from school and that attracts a number of lovers,” said Dzora.

“I was also affected by the evil spirits that haunted my daughter in-law and had to use coarse salt.

“My daughter is yet to conceive and has been here for some months.

“Their problem is that they do not want to fully join church but only visit Johanne Masowe yeChishanu for prayers,” said Dzora.

Charmaine dismissed suggestions that she was being haunted by spirits saying the move is meant to force her to quit the marriage.

“Ndigere zvangu zvakanaka  asi murume wangu tirikurara setisina kuwanana. “I was once forced to return to my parents and I came back.

“Issues of Spiritism is clear scheming to frustrate me but I have no choice other than waiting until my husband feels for me.

“Izvezvi ayenda kuchikoro; anodzoka hake time time,” said Chamaine. Michael separated with his first wife after two months when she had a miscarriage before taking Charmaine as his wife.

 Reports circulating in Pasipanidya village where they live were that an evil spirit has been haunting the family for some time before Michael’s father died. H Metro


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