Wednesday 30 June 2021


GOD is worthy of praise because he controls everything under the sun hence the need for the nation to come together in prayer against Covid-19 and other ailments, First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa has said.

She was speaking as the nation marked the second day of a prayer week she called for starting on Monday June 28 to save the nation at a time when it was battling a spike in Covid-19 cases and other ailments.

“We prayed since last year because of Covid-19, other ailments and problems facing the nation and I am truly thankful that the country joined me in prayer and fasting. Today we are here again as we continue to pray because this pandemic is still with us.  

“We are also praying because our youths are being ruined by drugs and alcohol. Some mothers are in the habit of selling drugs to these children ruining their future zvinova zvinorwadza moyo wangu saAmai,” she said.

“There are also reports of women who are going about stealing newborn children from hospitals. As a nation, we are facing many challenges including issues of children being killed for ritual purposes, yet we are the ones who are supposed to look after these children and protect them so that families remain intact.

“Our country is God-fearing, so men, women and all denominations from yesterday (Monday) we started praying and fasting. We once prayed asking for many things and God answered us and God is the only one who can help us and God is in control of everything that happens.

“If God says it’s over, it will be over. As his children we have held his garment with a powerful hand and we are asking him to remember us,” she said.

The First Lady has a prayer room at her office at Zimbabwe House where she kneels down in prayer every day before starting her daily business.

“We have a prayer room here where we pray every morning in the face of many challenges we face in life. With my team, we do not start work without praying to God because we travel a lot and have a lot of work to do and we ask God to guide us as we go about doing our work out there,” she said.

The First Lady’s words come at a time when Covid-19 is wreaking havoc across the globe including Zimbabwe where it has killed over 1 750 people since March last year when the pandemic was detected in the country.

So devastating has been the impact of Covid-19 which has caused deaths and job losses among people of many nationalities. The pandemic has resulted in school closures and set off a lot of societal challenges like teen pregnancies, drug abuse and prostitution to name but a few.

Yesterday, visitors to the First Lady’s offices were startled to find her kneeling down in prayer with her team, showing that she practices what she preaches.

Journalists who had visited her office on another assignment had to wait for the mother of the nation who was deep in prayer together with a team from her office.

The officers in her office who are her prayer partners, were full of praises for Amai Mnangagwa whom they described as God-fearing and humble.

Mrs Failess Matemba expressed delight with the First Lady’s call for divine intervention saying she will continue praying for the nation.


“We thank our mother here at work where she encourages us to pray. Every morning we pray in the prayer room which set up and when she spoke of the week of prayer, we seized the opportunity to pray for our country in times of Covid-19 and other challenges.

“We also read the scriptures, like Psalms 5:3 which says ‘In the morning or Lord you will hear my voice. In the morning I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch’. God hears our prayers and we come here and pray for him to show mercy on our country Zimbabwe. We pray that he heals our land of Covid-19 which is wreaking havoc. We thank the First Lady for the vision to pray,” she said with an expression of hope on her face.

Another officer, Ms Praise Denhere said she felt so happy and thankful to God to have a God-fearing leader like the First Lady.

“I feel happy and thankful to God because as Zimbabwe we are a God fearing nation. We were given a mother who also fears God who knows that nothing succeeds without God’s involvement.

“Previously, she also called on the nation to join her in prayer and we prayed and fasted which resulted in the numbers of those affected by the virus decreasing. Now there is a new variant and the mother has rallied us to kneel down and cry to God and I believe we will get our answer soon because if we put our trust in God we will succeed,” she said.

Mr Courage Chaleka shared similar sentiments. “We are thankful for the vision of the First Lady. One writer says prayer is the breath of the soul. We should keep on praying because truly God answers prayers,” he said.

It was a marvel to watch the First Lady and her officers clutching their bibles singing and shouting praises to the Lord prompting the journalists to also join in. Herald


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