Monday 21 September 2020


By Hopewell Chin'ono

As an officer of the court, Job Sikhala spends his evenings at Chikuribi Maximum Prison going through court records of other prisoners and helping them with their legal cases!

“Rega ndibatsire vafanha ava mwana wamai,” Sikhala would say to me as I stretch my long frame preparing to fit myself on my 30 centimeter width bedding area.

I saw Job go through multiple trial records and advising these prisoners.

With some of them he would immediately say that he would get them out because they were badly represented, and they had no crime to their name!

“Mudhara hamuna mhosva imi,” he would shout from his concrete floor after going through one’s trial record.

Prisoners would sit around him with their trial records waiting for their turn to consult Job the lawyer.

I know that as you read this post this evening, he is going through such records and attempting to help the prisoners who can’t afford a lawyer.

That is Job Sikhala for you, the one that I shared a prison cell with, and the one who is fearless, yet compassionate!

As Job Sikhala battles High Blood Pressure and swollen legs in Chikurubi prison, he still finds time to help the downtrodden! Selfless!

Do we know how his family is surviving beyond calling him a hero?

#FreeJobSikhala #ZimbabweBelongsToAll


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