Friday 20 December 2019


A HARARE woman yesterday tried to throw herself into moving cars in the CBD.

H-Metro arrived at the Parkade along Nelson Mandela adjacent to Rezende North Bus Terminus, where two people committed suicide earlier this year, and saw Nyarai Matsatsi being restrained by people after she attempted to throw herself into moving cars.

Andy Chimone, the one who restrained Nyarai from committing suicide said he was almost overpowered while trying to pin her down as she was shouting and screaming saying she was hearing voices of people calling her. 

“Anga achisheedzera achiti pane vanhu varikunditi huya kuno. Ndaona achimhanya achichema akananga ku mota ndikatoona kuti paipa.

“Ndabva ndamubata zvekuti apotsa apunyuka nekuti simba raange avakuita ndatorishaya kuti rabva nekupi. 

“Pane vazouya vakatanga kumunamatira but aramba achingonetsa zvemweya wetsvina chaizvo,” said Chimone. 

Her mother who was sobbing at the scene told H-Metro that she is yet to come to terms with the incident since her daughter had never had such an experience.

“I just received a call from when I was home in Mbare saying my daughter is being hysterical and I don’t know what to do since she has never been in this situation before.

“She is hearing voices of which we cannot figure out how this is happening. Anozvishandira ne mhuri yake; tashaya kuti zvirikufamba sei,” she said.

H-Metro yesterday later caught up with Nyarai’s father Alexander Matsatsi who said he was monitoring her at their home in Mbare.

“She is now stable and we are now assessing if she will continue like that. We have no idea what happened to her in town but we are now consulting spiritual church people to assist us.

“Takaenda kunotsvaga salt tikamumwaya zvichida angaite nani nemunamato,” he said.

H Metro established from vendors at the Parkade area that a week ago, another man tried to jump to his death and was later restrained when not so long ago suicide cases of Upper Ministry Pastor Berry Dambaza and a Churchill Boys school pupil occurred in the same vicinity.


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