Wednesday 26 June 2019


MORE than seven hundred women who are failing to conceive are on a four-day fasting and praying spree to find favour from the Almighty, H-Metro has learnt.

A visit to the place where they are camping saw women holding baby toys to mimick real babies, suckling them, carrying them on their back and others wearing maternity clothes pretending as if they are pregnant.

H-Metro witnessed some in tears, others helping each other to carry the dolls at their backs and some groaning in prayer.

The prayer meeting leader Prophetess Memory Matimbire of Daughters of Virtue ministries told H-Metro that the dolls are a sign of faith in God that they will receive the children. 

“We are here to seek God’s face and favour and the women you see here have never been pregnant ndovanonzi nevazhinji ngomwa ndovauya pano kuti nemabvi avo minamato yavo inzwike kumusoro kunaMwari,” said Prophetess Matimbire. 

“We held the same prayer meeting last year at this place and we were less than hundred but the testimonies that followed the meeting have attracted many barren women from corners of the country and the sub region.

“The number has risen this year to nearly eight hundred with some being limited by lack of cash since we book the place and have meals once per day. 

“We have five from South Africa, two from Botswana, two from Zambia and one from Mozambique.

“Among the women are few we allowed to come and give testimonies to help the doubting Thomases. 

“God is answering women’s prayers and many are narrating how they have been abused by false prophets and traditional healers in their search to have babies.

“The situations undergoing these women because of failing to conceive is unbearable and sad that I am ever in tears seeking God’s face to answer their prayers.

“Today we received few men who wanted to join their wives in prayer and have sad stories of what they are going through due to this challenge,” said Prophetess Matimbire.

She promised to visit some women who failed to attend the meeting due to lack of resources saying God has anointed her to teach women to pray on their own and avoid being abused by lustful men.

“Prayer is speaking to God and this is not limited to men or pastors alone,” said Prophetess Matimbire.

“Madzimai aya akadhiniwa nekushungurudzwa asi Mwari anonzwa minamato yemunhu wese saka ndakapihwa chizaruro ichocho ndichadzidzisa madzimai kuzvinamatira nguva dzose,” she said. H Metro


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