Tuesday 14 May 2019


SOUL Jah Love has admitted to taking all sorts of drugs but said he is now on the path to recovery and has stopped taking some of them.

The Conquering Family boss admitted to taking cocaine, broncleer (cough syrup) and marijuana but said he has since stopped taking cocaine and broncleer.
He said his weakness is still with marijuana, which he preferred to categorise as a herb.
“Zvimwe zvese ndakasiya, but chandichiri kurova imbanje, mbanje pazvese unonyatso meditator haikuvhiringi sezvimwe izvi, plus ndiyo yatakatanga kuziva so maybe it the first love.
“I actually pray we legalise it like other countries have done,” he said.
He said it is cocaine that made him go insane and affected many things in his life like losing his wife Bounty Lisa, whom he apologised to.
“Unoziya mukufamba kwatinoita se vaimbi tinosangana nezvakawanda.
“When I started travelling abroad for shows ndakasangana nezvakawanda, that’s where I discovered drugs like cocaine.
“Zvinonzi chekudya chese tanga waravira and indeed I tried it out.
“The feeling you get after taking cocaine is unexplainable, those who take it know better.
“I kept on taking it and it changed me to a person I didn’t want to be, I lost my wife Bounty Lisa and I want to say I’m really sorry.
“Zvawaiona zvese zviya zvichiitika sandi kuti ndaida, it’s just that no one really knows what one goes through after taking it,” he said.
Jah Love described cocaine as a satanic drug.
“That one is a satanic drug now, no one really knows where it comes from it’s unlike mbanje, the tree of wisdom from King Solomon’s grave.
“Ne Cocaine unonzwa seuri kuteerwa,unotanga kudhomoka (going mad) unofunga une mamhepo iwe usina.
“Sometimes you want to be in a corner by yourself, wakazvitinya.”
Asked why he couldn’t stop after having experienced its negative effects, Jah Love said:
“Kuti usiye it’s not easy because inotokudaidza iyo kuti huya.
“That’s why I say it’s a satanic drug and today that’s why urge the youth to stay away from bronco, mutoriro and the likes.”
Jah Love said it was his personal decision to stop taking the illegal substance.
“I’m not addicted to drugs, drugs are the ones addicted to me so when I discovered that I said I should put a stop to it, I have the power to say no.
“I am the one that makes the decision to buy drugs and I’m choosing not to buy.
“It was a decision I took to stop and try and change my life and of course I have my team that are helping me with rehabilitation.”
Above all Jah Love said he is a self-proclaimed anti-drug ambassador that urges youths not to take drugs as he has personally experienced the effects.
“Saka paya pandinoti maghetto youths musarove mutoriro, musarove mutoriro hausi right.
“Who else better to hear it from, other than me, ngatisiyei madrugs,” he said. h metro


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