Saturday 18 July 2015


A Harare magistrate yesterday shot down attempts by accused persons in the case involving the purchase of a Land Rover Discovery meant for popular preacher, Walter Magaya’s wife, to summon the Prophet Healing and Deliverance (PHD) founder to court saying the application was misplaced. 

Regional magistrate Nowell Mupeiwa said only the courts have powers to summon a witness. This was after a man who says he was the middle-man of all the transactions leading to the purchase of a Land Rover discovery 4 for Walter Magaya’s wife testified in court yesterday.

Gilbert Mafusire narrated his version of the case in which four men are accused of swindling Magaya’s wife $116 000 in a botched car deal.

Oceane Perfumes managing director Hupenyu Ignitious Prosper Mashangwa and Cosmas Mushininga, Kudakwashe Larry Mapfumo and Clifford Tinashe Gonde are answering to the fraud charges.

Mafusire said: “Last year, the first accused person failed to manage a debt that he owed a bank. I then referred him to Magaya since he was selling his house.

“He ended up selling his Marlborough house to Magaya at $600 000. When I heard Mango was seeking a supplier for a Land Rover discovery 4 I also referred him to Mashangwa.”
Mafusire said he was present when Mango gave Mashangwa $80 000 and $36 000, respectively.
The second accused person, Mushininga, who was represented by Dumisani Mthombeni, played a telephone recording in which it is alleged Magaya manipulated his client to alter his statement and implicate Mashangwa.

He challenged Magaya to come before the court and identify his voice in the recording.
However, the magistrate dismissed the application on the basis that powers to summon a witness were restricted to the court.

Mango, a senior overseer at Magaya’s church said he was referred to Mashangwa by Mafusire when he sought a supplier for a Land Rover Discovery 4, 2014 model.
Mashangwa was allegedly given $80 000 to import the car from South Africa and deliver it by August 22.

The vehicle was delivered on September 15 and Mashangwa approached Mango asking for $36 000 import duty and registration fees. However, Mashangwa is accused of  engaging his accomplices and evaded payment of duty.

The anomalies were discovered by Zimra on March 13 this year leading to the seizure of the vehicle and issuance of a notice of seizure to Magaya.
The accused persons’ actions caused Magaya’s wife to be prejudiced of a vehicle that was acquired at $116 000. daily news


Profake havasungike he has power in Zimbabwe as he now owns National Team. Money is power guys but chisingaperi chinoshura mini brief yababa chichava chikorobho

Duchess you are right, you nailed it,Magaya a fake prophet will surely pay in hell one day for taking the name of the Lord in vain to further his ambition to be rich.

Ndezvemeso muromo zvinyarare.

Bogus prophets all of them. However, problem iri muZim ndiyokuti there are no other exciting activities to keep people occupied. People have nothing to do coz there are no sporting activities to keep our minds busy. Saturday and Sunday hakuna kana chokuita. Only when you bring back the various round the clock sporting events people will continue to flock to these prophets.

Mari yakawoma murume mukuru anoswera akagwandama pasi kudai.

So you are saying bored people go see a fake prophet. Because there is no sport...start a sport shooting. ...200 points to the person who gets Mugabe. ..I bet you the sport will be on then....running. hiding. Etc. Great sport..someone 8 ZIMBABWE should give it a go....he or she will get a gold medal. ..

Saka facebook page "Madhiri A Magaya" iri kunyoriwa chokwadi. Magaya is corrupt and will corrupt the system to ensure his freedom. Last time yaiva ya Chipo chakanyuka his ex-girlfriend akanga omunetsa waakapondesa ku Botswana achibva aita foni dzaiva ne evidence dzitsakatike. Nhasi yava ye landrover. Zvino mangonjo zvakatopfekedzwa uniform yakanyorwa kuti magaya ah vachakumuriswa hembe vakarechura shuwa kana vakada kumusunga. Mufana uyu is very satanic zveshuwa. Anyanya kugara muhomwe dzevarombo. Mwari is going to dress him down. Tiri kudzidza!

I am wondering why there was no inquiry on how Chipo Chakanyuka was murdered.

Ko imba yeku maraborough yoita 600 000 us dollars ah

Nhaiwe zvako. Nhema dzanyanya idzi hapachina kana imba ye$600 000 us dollars munyika muno oyiii.

Why is it that people enjoy talking bad about Prophet Magaya. I think the reason is when ever demons hear about a powerful man of God they manifest in people. Thats why you see when its about these traditional churchs nothing much is said because they also attend there(the demons) when its Prophet Magaya its war. Go ahead and regard these Prophets to be fake, even Lord Jesus Christ was said to be fake. Time will tell if possible we would live to see those who are fake and those that are genuinely possessed by demons.

Ichokwadi kuti vanhu vanoshaya chinovavaraidza. Ini newe tinovuya pano painternet kuzoverenga nokunyora zvatinofunga pamusoro penyaya dziri pano to avert boredom. Ko vasina internet uye vasina mikana yokuverenga nokunyoravo izvo vanofunga vanoita sei? Votoendaka kwamaGaya, Makandiwa, KwaGuti, Wutawunashe etc kuti vavaraidzeka nguva. Its sad kuti ikoko uko vanondogamuchirwa nembavha nokuti vanonzi ipai chegumi, mari yapastor etc.

Wakagarwawo neshavi rakowo iwewe. Wake up and open your eyes uwone kuti ana prophet vako ivavo makuruku ega ega. Chii chavanovona chausingagoni kuvona wega? Chii chavanogona kuita icho usingagoni kuzviitira. You are a group of fools. Ndinozviziva hangu kuti rimwe zuva iwe navamwe vako muchapepuka kana maniwa nemvura. Chimbobirwai ndiko kuti mugosvinura.

Hupenyu Mashangwa...mzukuru wambuya Second wadirei kudai mbuya vachifamba vasina kana Tommy zvayo...ziva kwawakabva mfana wami. Hona manje.... ndanyarara

And these reporters are on magaya's bank roll...instead of highliting the content of the tapes, they are directed to report on the less damaging aspects. But rina manyanga hariputirwi.

Nhai nhai. So its true that when people are poor they lie a lot. They are in denial and use lies as a defence mechanism. And they also reap off each other like these Prophets. Ngwarai akomana naasikana.

Well I happen to go to church not because I am bored. I have a relationship with God and going to church is one of the things that I do to enhance that relationship. As Zimbabweans we are a God fearing people and yes hard times have fallen on us but we can never forsake our God. Many false prophets or fake pastors will come but that does not make Christianity any false or fake. Many are being led astray because of this environment we have found ourselves in but to say people Go to church because they are Bored is a lie from the pit of hell. Come on people let's be objective. For you information I am educated, got a good job and my small to do business here in these foreign lands, I am a member of a tennis club and I have taken up shooting for fun On Top of that I have internet and an iPad to read news dzekumusha..

These magistrates dont earn much so easily bought by the millionaire preacher

Because people were paid off. In Zimbabwe & Bostwana kupa munhu US$ they will be silent

Congratulations for being a tennis club member, having internet including children's toy iPad and above all for taking up shooting! Remember to keep yourself occupied enough not to be swept away by the current prophet tide. You sound clever enough not to believe in Magaya, Makandiwa, Wutawunashe and several others. Stay cool.

If you call your son Ignatius he will end up a fraudster. The name was cursed by Chombo.

U are really bored indeed! I tell u, one wld rather spend time at church than on the net. As technology is advancing day by day, the devil is also advancing his techniques and he is using the internet to initiate pple into his kingdom. To be warned is to be forearmed.

Aizve! Kugwadamira Musiki zvashata futi. He usually does that when he is conducting the opening prayer.

Kkkkkkkkk, Madhiri upiko ari kushandiswa na Lucifer. Muchashaya kwekunyarira zvochibuda pachena zvana Madhiri A Magaya Admin zvese izvo.

Havasungiki nekuti his advocator Jesus Christ of Nazareth is sitting on the throne.

Ummmm handina akawanda newe. I would encourage you to log on to or join Prophet Magaya on Yadah TV. Ipapo ndipo pauchaona kuti hamuna kufanana. Eeh munogona kuve vanhu vatema mese, mugobva kumusha kumwe chete asi hazviite kuti munzi makafanana izvozvo. Hamuna kana kutombo fanana. Ma demon unogona kutoswera uchiwadzana nawo asi panosvika va Magaya masamba anobva asiyana.

Kwenyu kungoda kuti zvinzi va Magaya is guilty kuti mutende kuti mutongo waitwa justly. Satani murevi we nhema!!!!

Nekuti yr ears are itching to hear that Prophet Magaya is guilty saka mave kuti reporters are on his payroll. Saka zim yese yatove ka pa payroll ya Prophet Magaya. Vawandisa vanzi vari pa payroll yavo now.

Ndicho chokwadi chakaitika kwete nyaya dzenyu dzamunoda framer pano.

You are on the payroll, troll. But rina manyanga hariputirwi.

Svika pa zindoga izvozvi uone kuzara kwapakaita. Vana vamuporofita vakatanga ku responder vese pano panoita thousands and thousands of comments. Hatisati tatanga ku responder. Saka munofunga kuti wese apindura is on payroll. Makatsva!!!

Chimbodyiwai mari kusvika masvinura. Mambonhi madii muchasukwa kusara maibva navakangwara vanaMagaya ava. A crowd of fools kkkkkkkk.

Wakamborivona here demon raunotaura? Kuvhundutsirwa nomumwe munhu kunzi ndavona demon hee ndavona nyoka nhema dzoga dzoga.

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